Dr. Richard G. Erskine held video seminar entitled: Shame, internal criticism and relational withdrawal: psychotherapy of the “schizoid process”. The seminar was held in period 4–6. December 2020.

The seminar was organized by the National Association for Transactional Analysis – NATAS,  TA Center – Association of Transaction Analysts of Serbia, and supported by TAUS – Regional Association for Transactional Analysis, UTAS – Association for Transactional Analysis of Serbia, SATA – Serbian Association for Transactional Analysis ,SUIP – Serbian Association for Integrative Psychotherapy.

The video seminar was attended by 197 participants, and the evaluation sheet was completed by 123 participants. Below you can see the results obtained based on the answers of the participants who filled in the evaluation sheet.

For more information on this seminar, click here.

If you want to order recording of this seminar, click here