Ravi Welch, psychologist, integrative psychotherapist, who worked at the Cathexis Institute with patients suffering from severe mental disorders held a three session seminar: Psychodynamic and Reparenting treatment of Psychosis on September 30th and October 1st, and 2nd 2022.

Average grade of the held workshop according to the opinion of the participants : 4.63.

For more information on this workshop, click here.

If you wont to order recording of this workshop, click here.

Results of the evaluation are below:

  1. Gender

2. Work experience in psychotherapy

3. The workshop met my expectations

4. The contents presented at the workshop correspond to the topic

5. The lecturer presented the contents in a clear and structured way

6. The organization of the workshop, the flow of information and technical support were at the appropriate level

7. The quality of interaction between the participates was good, considering the current conditions

8. Overall evaluation of the workshop

9. Comments, suggestions ..(in English)

Thanks a lot for Ravi Welch lectures! I appreciate his thinking very much!

10. Do you have a suggestion for the topic of the next education or a lecturer you would like to hear?                         

prof. dr Tijana Mandic

Tony White

Richard Erskine

Supervision group with Ravi Welch.