Ravi Welch, psychologist, integrative psychotherapist, who worked at the Cathexis Institute with patients suffering from severe mental disorders held a three session seminar: Psychological Development – normal and pathological development of children based on Reparenting and Attachment theory on June 3rd , 4th  and 5th 2022.

National Association for Transactional Analysis – NATAS, Association “Belcounsel” and the Specialist Practice “Bubera” hosted this event.

Psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, clinical social workers and other professionals in the field of mental health, psychotherapists and educators of various psychotherapeutic directions were invited to apply for this seminar.

Last year, this famous psychologist, Transactional analyst and Integrative psychotherapist held a free online workshop, organized by NATAS and Union of associations of psychotherapies of Serbia, on the topic: Introduction to Transactional analytic treatment of psychosis.

The workshop was generously donated by Mr. Welch and was held as a pre-congress activity of the XI Congress of Psychotherapy of Serbia that was organized by Union of associations of psychotherapists of Serbia. This two-hour workshop was attended by appr. 400 participants who rated it excellent (you can see the results of the evaluation and entire workshop here).

Through a lecture and discussion with the participants, Ravi Welch addressed the topic of “Frame of Reference” shaped by genetic basis and life experiences. He talked about normal psychological development, development of psychosis observed through the Reparenting and affective attachment theory and psychopathology of psychosis based on psychopathological development in childhood.

The relationship experiences that we have as children are the blueprint for our relationships later in life. One common definition for Consciousness is: everything that we experience is filtered through our history. The term “Frame of Reference” in Transactional Analysis describes this phenomena of our seeing the world through our life experiences, most of which are experienced in our childhood.

For these reasons Ravi Welch finds it important to approach an understanding of Psychopathology based on psychological development through our childhood. The fact that severely dysfunctional psychological structures show a major amount of regression is also one reason that we need to understand the development of pathology in order to be able to effectively treat it in psychotherapy.

Ravi Welch started out this workshop with describing and discussing normal development so that participants could establish a common baseline for discussing deviations from that baseline. He used the common phases of development (Oral, Anal, Oedipal, Latent, Adolescence), and described them in relation to the Attachment/Separation patterns according to the developmental stage.

Using this development as the norm, he discussed the deviations from this base for the various forms of Schizophrenia and also for the various Personality Disorders. Since psychosis is described as a development issue which starts in the Oral stage, we had started with Child Development directly at birth and followed it through the developmental phases up to adulthood.

This workshop is planned as the first in series of three workshops. The next two workshops are about psychotherapy –  psychodynamic treatment based on reparenting approach with individuals with psychotic disorders and after that with individuals with personality disorders. Each subsequent workshop is based on the previous one, so it is recommended to listen to all three, but it is possible to follow them separately.

This seminar was held in English and Serbian with consecutive non professional translation, by colleagues from mental health field. (You can read here about consecutive interpreting: what is consecutive interpreting).

We would like to remind that in the Republic of Serbia, the Guide to Good Clinical Practice issued in 2013 is used in planning, and implementation of the treatment of schizophrenia – a clearly defined medical condition. For more details, click here.

The seminar is accredited as I category professional meeting under the registration number A-1-167/22 by the Health Council of Serbia, and only participants who had taken part in seminar got certificate with two CME points, and nine hours of education.

If you didn’t participate in the workshop, and want to watch the recording (or recordings of any of the workshops organized or co-organized by NATAS) you can order recording. Our recommendation is to participate in person whenever it is possible, because that way you can communicate with a lecturer directly.

Who was eligible for this seminar?

Psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, clinical social workers were eligible to participate in the seminar, but also all other professionals (special pedagogues, andragogues, MDs, nurses…) provided that they were in the process of psychotherapy training, and that they had filled in application form.

For results of evaluation of this seminar, click here.

Handouts, PowerPoint presentation and video recording of the seminar are not included in the price.

For more information contact:

Zvonko (Zvonimir Ninić); Email: natasrbije@gmail.com

Phone/Text/Viber/WhatsApp +38163249239

Ravi Welch was born in the United States, and he is half Indian and half American. His parents were Christian missionaries in India and came every few years for additional education in the United States. They were both Transaction Analysts and have organized help centers in India and trained professionals in clinical work and counseling with people who have suffered. The father was a psychologist and theologian, and the mother a social worker. Ravi says that he grew up with the language and concepts of Transactional Analysis and that he thought that all other people speak exclusively in that language. At the age of 15, he met Jackie Schiff, and at the age of 16, he received an official invitation from the board of the Cathexis Institute in California to join their team. He accepted the invitation and during his stay in California at the University of Berkeley he completed his undergraduate studies in psychology and a master’s degree in research psychology, and spent the rest of his time working with the Jackie Schiff team at the Cathexis Institute with patients with severe mental disorders. He also met his future wife there, so they moved to Germany together and have lived and worked there ever since. He trained future professionals in the field of mental health at the university to work with the transparent approach, at the invitation of the German government. In addition to Transactional Analysis at Jackie Schiff School, he also studied Hypnotherapy with Milton Erickson, Body Psychotherapy with Alexander Loven, Matt Redington and David Fenstermaker. He is an integrative psychotherapist who applies the theoretical and practical settings of Integrative Psychotherapy and all other therapeutic directions based on a relational approach. He works as a teacher of Zen Buddhism and deals with the connection between psychology and the development of the mind and research that deals with what happens to the mind when we practice meditative techniques. He teaches about therapeutic communities at the Faculty of Social Work and Special Education at the Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany, and works with patients in private psychotherapy practice.

Plenary lecture “Increase of personality disorders and the breakdown of individual attachment in post-War socialization” at the XI Congress of Psychotherapists of Serbia titled “Brand New World”